Category: Trestleboard

Our Trestleboard is now a blog. Check back here for updates from Acalanes Fellowship!

Secretary’s Table

Secretary’s Table

Randy Tolerton, PM, Secretary

Hello Brethren, Greetings from the Secretary.

Another Masonic year is upon us with January being the month we introduce new officers for the ensuing masonic year. It is my honor to congratulate Brother Robert Strohmeyer on his installation to be the Worshipful Master for 2023. It is the highest position a lodge of Master Masons can bestow on a member. I also congratulate all of the other elected officers; Bradley Rupert as Senior Warden, Pete Peterson as Junior Warden, and David Kreutzinger as Treasurer.  It becomes my duty to inform you that December was the month when we pay our annual dues. Dues for 2023 are $185.25. Please be sure to pay your dues so you remain a member in good standing. If you are a life member, you may also consider paying the per capita fee that Grand Lodge charges us each year. This year the per capita fee is $59.25. I assure you that paying these fees is strictly voluntary so there is no obligation, but it will help the lodge cover many unforeseen challenges and meet charitable opportunities.

I have been a mason for 18 years. Masonry is not a hobby. It is a way of life. We are taught the mystery of the craft and how to lead a better and fulfilling life. Masonry’s prime objective is to make good men better. It is a never-ending journey filled with joy and brotherhood. We have an obligation, an oath to make the world better for Masons and non-Mason’s. Those of us who regularly attend meetings experience that brotherly love and truth at every turn. We are challenged from that experience to go out and make a difference in the world though our words and actions. I challenge you to do the same. For you to experience the same brotherly love, come to the stated meeting. It is THE event of each month when we can all get together and share. If you have not been for a while, we miss you! As always, you are invited to attend our stated meeting dinner and meeting on the first Tuesday of each month. The camaraderie and good fun continue abound. This is the time for you to return to lodge if you haven’t been for a while. Don’t feel embarrassed or shy. We want you back and I can guarantee you will be welcomed. You will thank yourself for attending. If you need a ride, please call me at (925) 818-8033. See to you in lodge Brethren!


C. Randall Tolerton

2023 Committees

2023 Committees

Brethren, I am pleased to share with you our fraternal committee appointments for the 2023 Masonic Year.

Executive Committee
Bob Strohmeyer, PM, Master – Chair
Brad Rupert, PM, Senior Warden
Pete Peterson, HA, Junior Warden
David L. Kreutzinger, Treasurer
Randy Tolerton, PM, Secretary

Charity Committee
Brad Rupert, PM, Senior Warden – Chair
Bob Strohmeyer, PM, Master
Pete Peterson, Junior Warden

Auditing Committee
Adam Hanin, PM – Chair
Terry Killgore, PM
Marion Rogers, PM

Member Retention Committee
Randy Tolerton, Secretary – Chair
Tom Riley, PM, HA
Fred Lezak, HA, Marshal

Hiram Award Committee
Brad Rupert, PM, Senior Warden – Chair
Pete Peterson, HA, Junior Warden
Marion Rogers, PM, HA
Fred Lezak, HA, Marshal

Sunshine Committee
Frank Shoffner, Chaplain – Chair
Tom Riley, PM, HA
John Minagro

Dining Committee
Pete Peterson, HA, Junior Warden – Chair
Christopher Benz
Rob Seitelman
Mark Williams, Senior Deacon

Life Membership Committee
Randy Tolerton, PM, Secretary – Chair
Rider Brose
Mark Williams, Senior Deacon

Installation of 2023 Officers

Installation of 2023 Officers

Thank you to all who joined us for our annual Installation of Officers on Saturday, December 3. Despite the rain, it was an evening of warmth and brotherhood as we celebrated the installation of our 2023 officers.

Master: Robert S. Strohmeyer, PM
Senior Warden: Bradley O. Rupert, PM
Junior Warden: Peter Peterson, HA
Treasurer: David L. Kreutzinger
Secretary: C. Randall Tolerton, PM
Chaplain: F.H. “Frank” Shoffner
Marshal: Frederick T. Lezak, Jr., HA
Senior Deacon: Mark A. Williams
Junior Deacon: Kaveh Astaneh
Tiler: Chandler S. Eason, Jr.

Above: A very special thank you to our installing team: Marion P. Rogers, PM (left), Master of Ceremonies; Robert A. L. Whitfield, PM (second from left), Installing Officer; Phillip L. McAllister, PM (far right), Chaplain.

Our incoming Worshipful Master, Robert Strohmeyer, PM, with Inspector of the 305th Masonic District of the State of California, the Worshipful Michael Tagulao, PM.


From the East, December 2022

From the East, December 2022

Terry R. Killgore, Master, 2022

Greetings from the East Brethren!

I write to you as I am on my way out, making room for the next generation of leaders. There are a few familiar faces moving into new positions in 2023. There are also some new faces joining the line. With them they carry new ideas. I encourage you to get to know them and give them your full support as I am.

Masonry has many secrets. Perhaps the greatest secret is what it brings out of you. I believe Masonry has enabled me to look inside of myself and see how I can improve. I wasn’t sure how I would feel after completing my year as Master. Do I feel as if I have accomplished a goal? Absolutely. Do I feel as if Masonry has more to offer? Yes. What is the next step in my Masonic journey? Now that is a question.

The Masonic Journey is different for each of us. Personally, I look forward to exploring The Shrine and York Rite. I look forward to supporting the new leadership of Acalanes Fellowship Lodge in any way I can. But most of all I look forward to seeing new members come into our lodge, our craft, and taking Masonry into the future.

Thank you for your time and support during my year. Thank you for your counsel and guidance. Be safe and be kind to one another. Help each other when possible.

We’ll talk again soon.


Terry Killgore
2022 Master AFL #480

Bro. Kaveh Astaneh Raised to Master Mason

Bro. Kaveh Astaneh Raised to Master Mason

Congratulations to Bro. Kaveh Astaneh on being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Bro. Astaneh was raised during a visitation to Orinda Lodge No. 122 under the charter of Acalanes Fellowship.

The officers of Acalanes Fellowship are grateful to Worshipful Michael Finein and the officers of Orinda Lodge for their conferral of such an excellent degree. The fraternal bond between our lodges remains as strong as ever.

Looking Forward to 2023

Looking Forward to 2023

Brethren and Friends, I am deeply honored to have been elected once again to serve Acalanes Fellowship Lodge No. 480, F&AM, as Master.

Our lodge has weathered many challenges since the oubreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I’m particularly grateful to the leadership and fortitude of Wor. Adam Hanin and Wor. Terry Killgore over the past three years. Wor. Hanin kept Acalanes Fellowship active and engaged through two difficult years, in the process producing one of the finest programs of Masonic Education and fraternal engagement I’ve seen in my nearly two decades of Masonry. Wor. Killgore led us out of the pandemic with a focus on events and engagement that helped us to reinvigorate the lodge and membership after two years of entirely virtual activities. Acalanes Fellowship is a stronger lodge today for their efforts, and the year ahead looks brighter than perhaps any in our past because of their efforts.

We are fortunate to enter the new year with not only a tremendously engaged leadership line of seasoned Masons, but also a robust corps of great new Masons who have spent this past year studying our noble Craft and ascending through the Degrees. As a result, our officers’ line will be strong in 2023. Here are the officers we will be installing on December 3:

2023 Acalanes Fellowship Officers

Master: Robert S. Strohmeyer, PM
Senior Warden: Bradley O. Rupert, PM
Junior Warden: Peter A. Peterson
Treasurer: David L. Kreutzinger
Secretary: C. Randall Tolerton, PM
Chaplain: Frank H. Shoffner
Senior Deacon: Mark A. Williams
Junior Deacon: Kaveh Astaneh
Marshal: Frederick T. Lezak, Jr.
Tiler: Chandler S. Eason, Jr.
Organist: John P. Minagro

We have several brethren currently slated to receive their Third Degrees in the new year, and two of those brothers, Christopher Benz and Robert Seitelman, have zealously volunteered to serve as our Senior and Junior Steward, respectively, on becoming Master Masons. I look forward to installing them in their stations as soon as possible, and to witnessing the unfoldment of their Masonic careers.

Please join us for our annual Installation of Officers on Saturday, December 3, at 5pm. Registration is now open. Families and friends are most welcome, and there is no charge for the dinner. We just need your RSVP as soon as possible to reserve your seats. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW.

From the East, November 2022

From the East, November 2022

Wor. Terry R. Killgore, Master, 2022

Greetings from the East Brethren!

I dare to say that the Holiday Season is now upon us. Thanksgiving is right around the corner followed by Christmas and the New Year. Let us not forget about our Installation of Officers which is scheduled for Saturday, December 3.

For some this is a period when work starts to slow down with the focus shifting to family, friends and traveling. For others work picks up pace with the close of the year and we still have to find time for what matters most, family and friends. In any case, this can be a hectic time and I urge everyone to be safe as the hustle and bustle of the season starts.

It has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life serving as Master of Acalanes Fellowship Lodge #480. I truly enjoyed the time I spent in the East and I take a wealth of knowledge with me from my time. I am excited to see what new ideas will be implemented for 2023 and have every confidence in the new line. If interested in serving in the line or even the Degree Team please reach out to any officer, past or present, to get more information on how you can contribute to the management of our Friendly Lodge.

Annual Communication took place in October and I was fortunate enough to be present. It was most excellent seeing Masons not only from all over the state but across the world come and represent their lodges. The exhibit hall was filled with all sorts of Masonic regalia. If you have the opportunity to attend the event in the future, I highly recommend it. Take a look at the email from Grand Lodge that explains what new pieces of legislation passed as well as some that did not.

As stated before, our Installation of Officers is scheduled for December 3 rd . Please make every attempt to attend as it is sure to be a great time. It just so happens that this will be my last Trestle Board article for the year as the December Stated Meeting will come after the installation of new officers where our new Master will be addressing you. I would like to say thank you to all for your support this year. It was truly an experience!

I look forward to seeing and speaking with you soon.


Terry Killgore
2022 Master AFL #480

From the East, October 2022

From the East, October 2022

Greetings from the East Brethren!

October is here and with it comes Fall. The year really is flying by. 

When we are young it seems that time moves like molasses in Winter, very slow. The older we become it moves like a thief in the night, fast and silent. Perhaps this is because of how we set our sights. When I was young I had long term goals and did not focus on the short term. As I aged, I had increasingly more short term goals or maybe even deadlines to meet. I may have missed some things in my youth as I was not focusing on what was happening in the now. 

Time stops for no man. Be aware of the present and take it in. Whether the moment is good or bad I think it important to understand what is happening, embrace it and use it as a lesson learned for the future. As of yet, we cannot get past moments back. Let us learn from our mistakes and our successes. Then if the opportunity presents itself, pass your knowledge down for someone else to benefit.

Speaking of time not stopping…next month it will be time for the Election of Officers for the 2023 Masonic Year. Acalanes Fellowship Lodge #480 has several new faces to fill the line. Some have been around for a while and some new. 

Are you interested in joining the line and taking part in guiding our Lodge into the future? Would you like to see something done differently? If so, reach out and schedule some time to speak with current officers to see what it’s all about. Being Master of AFL #480 has been one of my most cherished experiences. 

Our Degree Team has transitioned into Third Degree mode. We already have two brothers ready to be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason! I know there will be more coming soon and look forward to conferring as many Third Degrees as possible this year. From time to time there are holes to fill in the Degree Team and we are always looking for new people to deliver the Charge. Please reach out if interested.

It’s been an interesting and different couple of years for us all. I quote Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

I look forward to seeing and speaking with you soon.


Terry Killgore
2022 Master AFL #480

Notes from the Tiler

Notes from the Tiler

Master Masons as well as our new Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Masons should be aware that one part of the Tilers duties is to monitor access into our Stated Meetings, our various degree ceremonies and Masonic functions, and our less-formal Masonic activities in general.  I have enjoyed this job immensely because it has provided me the opportunity to not only get to know you better individually, but to also help you prepare and set your minds at ease prior to your various initiation ceremonies.

We are first and foremost a fraternal organization. However, you newer Masons may not be aware of a longstanding tradition in our Lodge (as well as others) in getting our wives or significant others involved in some of our activities.  Many of us feel this has enhanced our Masonic experience as it has taken away some of the “Masonic widow” feelings (and perhaps some resentment) some spouses and significant others experience.

For example, pre-pandemic we had a significant number of the women in our lives attend the dinners prior to our Stated Meetings.  It was not unusual to see anywhere from eight to twelve wives, girlfriends, widows of members and even the occasion Mom or daughter attend.  Some went home after the meal while others remained and socialized, waiting for their Mason to return from our upstairs monthly meeting.

We have had socials events where the ladies and family members in our lives (and even friends) are invited. Events such as: Sweetheart lunches, luaus, and our annual Crab Feed.  We decorate our lodge during the holiday season and put forth an even greater effort to get the ladies out to our monthly meal.  These women get some idea of what an awesome experience Masonry is when they attend our annual December installation and installation dinner.

COVID obviously had an impact on that attendance. However, a lot of those ladies were “attached to” an older generation of Masons (I’m one of those!). Some stopped attending for their own health reasons or because “their” Mason no longer attends due to his health concerns, or because he passed away.

In the next few months, the officers of Acalanes Fellowship Lodge #480 will be looking into resurrecting some of our past social activities, both fraternal only, as well as those involving loved ones in our lives. We have reached out to other lodges to see what plans and efforts they have put into these outreach efforts and are encouraged by what we hear.

An important thing to point out: All Masons — solo or accompanied — are invited to attend these activities. We not only benefit from your presence, but you benefit as well, getting to know the brethren in less formal but intimate ways.  

We need all your support to make our lodge as dynamic and friendly as it has been in the past. 

—Pete the Tiler

Our Trestleboard is now a blog!

Our Trestleboard is now a blog!

The Masonic Trestleboard is a time-honored tradition in our fraternity. Since at least the second half of the 20th century, Trestleboards have been produced as newsletters sent out to the brethren with updates about events and goings-on in the lodge, as well as commentary on issues of interest to the Craft. It’s an important lodge communications tool, but one that most lodges have struggled to keep in step with the digital age of the 21st century. To that end, I’m pleased to share that our Trestleboard is now a blog!

What does Trestleboard-as-blog mean to you? Well, it means more timely updates from the Master and officers, and an easy place to keep up with the latests posts.

Will you still get an email to check out the latest from the Trestleboard? Yes, you will! We will continue to send a monthly email blast to all our mailing list, highlighting the latest content from our Trestleboard blog. The experience will be very similar to what you’ve become accustomed to, but instead of producing and mailing out a PDF file, we’ll email you links to the latest interesting articles and events.

We’ll keep the back catalog of historical Trestleboards available here on the website, as well. So, happy reading, and we’ll see you on the internet and in lodge!

Bob Strohmeyer, PM
Senior Warden 

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