Secretary’s Table
Hello Brethren, Greetings from the Secretary.
Another Masonic year is upon us with January being the month we introduce new officers for the ensuing masonic year. It is my honor to congratulate Brother Robert Strohmeyer on his installation to be the Worshipful Master for 2023. It is the highest position a lodge of Master Masons can bestow on a member. I also congratulate all of the other elected officers; Bradley Rupert as Senior Warden, Pete Peterson as Junior Warden, and David Kreutzinger as Treasurer. It becomes my duty to inform you that December was the month when we pay our annual dues. Dues for 2023 are $185.25. Please be sure to pay your dues so you remain a member in good standing. If you are a life member, you may also consider paying the per capita fee that Grand Lodge charges us each year. This year the per capita fee is $59.25. I assure you that paying these fees is strictly voluntary so there is no obligation, but it will help the lodge cover many unforeseen challenges and meet charitable opportunities.
I have been a mason for 18 years. Masonry is not a hobby. It is a way of life. We are taught the mystery of the craft and how to lead a better and fulfilling life. Masonry’s prime objective is to make good men better. It is a never-ending journey filled with joy and brotherhood. We have an obligation, an oath to make the world better for Masons and non-Mason’s. Those of us who regularly attend meetings experience that brotherly love and truth at every turn. We are challenged from that experience to go out and make a difference in the world though our words and actions. I challenge you to do the same. For you to experience the same brotherly love, come to the stated meeting. It is THE event of each month when we can all get together and share. If you have not been for a while, we miss you! As always, you are invited to attend our stated meeting dinner and meeting on the first Tuesday of each month. The camaraderie and good fun continue abound. This is the time for you to return to lodge if you haven’t been for a while. Don’t feel embarrassed or shy. We want you back and I can guarantee you will be welcomed. You will thank yourself for attending. If you need a ride, please call me at (925) 818-8033. See to you in lodge Brethren!
C. Randall Tolerton