Greetings from the East Brethren!
I dare to say that the Holiday Season is now upon us. Thanksgiving is right around the corner followed by Christmas and the New Year. Let us not forget about our Installation of Officers which is scheduled for Saturday, December 3.
For some this is a period when work starts to slow down with the focus shifting to family, friends and traveling. For others work picks up pace with the close of the year and we still have to find time for what matters most, family and friends. In any case, this can be a hectic time and I urge everyone to be safe as the hustle and bustle of the season starts.
It has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life serving as Master of Acalanes Fellowship Lodge #480. I truly enjoyed the time I spent in the East and I take a wealth of knowledge with me from my time. I am excited to see what new ideas will be implemented for 2023 and have every confidence in the new line. If interested in serving in the line or even the Degree Team please reach out to any officer, past or present, to get more information on how you can contribute to the management of our Friendly Lodge.
Annual Communication took place in October and I was fortunate enough to be present. It was most excellent seeing Masons not only from all over the state but across the world come and represent their lodges. The exhibit hall was filled with all sorts of Masonic regalia. If you have the opportunity to attend the event in the future, I highly recommend it. Take a look at the email from Grand Lodge that explains what new pieces of legislation passed as well as some that did not.
As stated before, our Installation of Officers is scheduled for December 3 rd . Please make every attempt to attend as it is sure to be a great time. It just so happens that this will be my last Trestle Board article for the year as the December Stated Meeting will come after the installation of new officers where our new Master will be addressing you. I would like to say thank you to all for your support this year. It was truly an experience!
I look forward to seeing and speaking with you soon.
Terry Killgore
2022 Master AFL #480