What are the benefits of being a Mason? There are many answers to that question and I must confess that I am still learning. One that first comes to mind is the relationships with others that are developed over time. The foundations of Masonry were developed in such a way that if one immerses himself in the teachings and applies them to his daily life, the opportunity is there to grow and experience something beyond measure.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as Master of a Lodge. The responsibilities are enormous and the tasks can be somewhat prodigious. At the same time support of the fraternity is awe-inspiring and equal to the task. I recently had the opportunity to attend a Masters and Past Masters Association Conference and it meant a lot to know that support of all the members is there for the asking.
As Master of the Lodge, I’ve taken the opportunity to attend some of the youth orders installations and initiations. I must tell you that Job’s Daughters and Rainbow Girls are most impressive as they demonstrate their memory work, leadership, poise and speaking skills. I encourage all of you to support these and other youth organizations, and also to encourage your children and grandchildren to challenge themselves and get involved.
I thought the Crab Feed held in late January was very enjoyable. Your support of the fraternity and the hard work of our members made for a very successful event. It takes a lot of planning and execution by many people to put on an event of this magnitude. Thank you all for your support and especially to our overall coordinator, Senior Warden Harry Burt.
Last Saturday we held our annual Sweethearts Valentine’s Luncheon. It was great to see so many of you there and we missed those of you who could not attend. We are especially grateful for the support and love given by our Sweethearts throughout the year. Thank you Brother Bob Strohmeyer for your work in making the event successful.
On May 14 we will be celebrating Most Worshipful Alvin Weis’ 50 years in Masonry. Our beloved Brother was Grand Master of Masons for the State of California in the year 2000. The 50th anniversary ceremony will be held at the Masonic Homes in Union City beginning at 4:00 PM, followed by dinner. Please reserve the date on your calendars.