As I sit writing this in a Hotel Room in London, this is truly “From the East”.
Our group of 8 Masons and 3 Non-Masons had a very impressive trip, visiting Ireland Scotland and England. We were privileged to visit Killwinning Lodge 0 which has continuous records of Speculative Masonry going back to 1642 and intermittent records as early as 1580. Records before that may well turn up in the Moscow archives. Killwinning Lodge 0 has chartered lodges over the years and as such qualifies as a Grand Lodge which seems to undermine the claim of the Grand Lodge of England being the first Grand Lodge. PM Vick Vickers is currently assembling all of our photographs into a single archive while Brother John Minagro is developing a trip diary. Both the photo archive and the diary will be made available through links from the Lodge Website. In addition, we will present the highlights of the trip during the August Stated Meeting Dinner.
The picture accompanying this article was taken at Monolithos Lodge, the second lodge at which we exemplified the California Second Degree with our Grand Secretary taking the role of Junior Steward. I think we and Orinda Lodge can be very proud of both exemplifications. The Monolithos Lodge Brethren were intrigued by the Masters Hat which is not used in English Lodges. Perhaps we might be emulated?
It is a sign of the current strength of our Lodge that while five of us were in the UK the Lodge was also able to Initiate Bother Jason Harding. Welcome Brother Harding. I am sure you will absorb and make good use of the lessons of Masonry.
In my absence our Senior Deacon has led the work on our third annual Luau to be held on July 11 in conjunction with the July Stated Meeting which is moved from July 4 to July 11 at 5 pm. Finally, note we shall be visiting Mendocino Lodge on August 19 for the Past Masters Visitation when Brother Leon Zhao will be passed to Fellow Craft. We are planning a Barbeque at the Tunzi Ranch in Comptche, where camping will also be available.