It seems that this summer has come and gone much too quickly. Very soon fall will be upon us and we will once again be looking at the fall foliage. It’s also at this time of year we start thinking about next year’s officers. Our prospective officers for next year have been working diligently on their proficiencies and preparing themselves for their new stations. As is our custom, officers will be filling advance stations for the October Stated Meeting.
I have really enjoyed sitting in the East this year and greatly appreciate all the support afforded me by the brothers and, in many cases, their wives as well. We still have a lot of things to accomplish before my time in the East is up. We have a 1st Degree planned for September 20, a 2nd Degree on October 18 and another 2nd Degree on October 22. The October 22 degree will be conferred at the Historic Lodge in Columbia. There is a lot of history in that part of the country and I’m looking forward to the visit. I’d like to see as many brethren at the degree as possible.
The Hall Association has continued doing a great job of taking care of the building and property. The latest improvements were to have several pine trees removed. They have provided a lot of shade and beauty over the years but it was time to take them down. A couple of them were leaning quite badly and we were afraid they might fall and cause damage.
The 167th Annual Communications this year is schedule for the last few days in October. Think about that – 167 years. That’s a long time. Masonry has meant a great deal to many over the years and is still as relevant today as it was when it began in California.