At our April Stated Meeting dinner, Worshipful Greg Thompson presented Golden Veterans Awards to Bros. Fred Schachtman and Tommy Thompson.
At our May Stated Meeting Dinner we were honored to have the Concord Rainbow Assembly join us for dinner and afterwards perform a ceremony in our lodge room. I am very proud of these girls and always appreciate their dedication, poise and graciousness. My wife and I were also able to attend a ceremony by Grand Lodge and Acacia Creek this past Saturday dedicating a lane at the Masonic Homes in Union City. The lane that runs just in front of Acacia Creek was named Job’s Daughters Lane. The Masonic Homes has two other lanes named in honor of DeMolay Boys and Rainbow Girls. We should all invest more of our time and resources in our youth. They are the future of our country and our masonic order.
At our Stated meeting that evening we welcomed a new affiliate, Worshipful Russ Kennedy, past master of the Pleasanton Masonic Lodge No. 321. Welcome Russ!
On May 10, we initiated Mr. Jonathan Groetsch into our lodge by conferring the 1st Degree of Masonry. We welcome Jonathan into our brotherhood and look forward to working with him on his masonic journey.
On May 14, we along with Grand Lodge presented Most Worshipful Alvin Weis his Golden Veterans Award. The ceremony was conducted in Siminoff Daylight Lodge No. 850 located in the Masonic Homes, Union City. The was a most appropriate setting as MW Weis was on the Board of Directors for the Homes for twelve years. The ceremony was attended by brothers from all around the state to honor a man who has meant so much to them personally and for his many contributions to our craft. MW Weis, PGM was Grand Master of Masons in California 1999-2000. We were pleased that his entire family could join us for that momentous occasion and to enjoy the fabulous Hawaiian Luau afterwards.
We have scheduled a 1st Degree to initiate Mr. Terry Killgore at 9:30 AM, June 11 in the outdoor lodge at the Masonic Homes, Union City. All Entered Apprentice Masons and higher are invited to the degree. We will enjoy a BBQ after the degree.
Lastly, I am pleased to announce that the 2016 Hiram Award for Acalanes Fellowship Lodge No. 480 goes to Bro. Michael Weis. Bro. Michael has been a very active member of our Hall Association for many years and his contributions to our lodge are most appreciated. We will be scheduling a special dinner in his honor in the coming months.