My time in the East is almost up. It has truly been an honor and a privilege to be Master of my lodge this past year. I really appreciate all the support the brothers and wives (and especially my wife) have given to me and the lodge. The bond of brotherhood and friendship is truly amazing.
This year has been filled with many highs and lows. We have lost several brothers who have gone on to the celestial lodge above. Our hearts go out to their families and loved ones. Our lodge family has been enhanced by the addition of several new members, either by affiliation or new membership. New members always bring a new excitement to the lodge and gives us an opportunity to renew our spirit as we learn, or relearn, the teachings of masonry as taught in our degree ceremonies.
We started the year off, as we always do, with the Annual Crab Feed in January. The event was very successful and enjoyable. It takes a great effort from many of our brothers to put on such an event but that is something that we really enjoy doing. And the crab always tastes better with the deliciously prepared steaks and clam chowder.
The lodge had two traveling degree ceremonies this year – one at the Outdoor Lodge at the Masonic Homes earlier in the year and one at the Historic Masonic Lodge in Columbia in October. We enjoy performing degrees at our lodge but it’s also good to get away sometime and spend time together away from the “office”.
In May, we visited Golden Gate Fields for the annual Kentucky Derby Day at the Races. This is always a great event as we gather with friends, eat lots of good food and watch the ponies race around the track.
It was also my privilege to honor Most Worshipful Alvin J. Weis as he celebrated 50 years in Masonry. The celebration at the Masonic Homes in Union City was very apropos as MW Weis spent more than a decade giving his support and expertise to improve the lives of so many who reside at the Homes.
Additionally, this year the Hiram Award was presented to Brother Michael Weis, the son of the Most Worshipful Alvin Weis. Bro. Michael has supported our lodge several years as an officer and director of the Hall Association.
We have an excellent corps of officers selected to lead us in the coming year. Please plan to join us as we install them December 10.
The annual Sweethearts Holiday Luncheon will take place at the lodge December 17 beginning at 11:30. Please plan to join us for lunch and the singing of Christmas Carols.