I am pleased to announce this year’s recipient of the Lodge Hiram Award is Worshipful Otis Simonson, Past Master of our Lodge. We will be making the presentation starting at 4 pm Saturday May 13th.
We initiated two new Brothers to the gentle craft on March 21st: Leon Zhao and Kyle Taylor, who will join Brothers Noah Maier and John Minagro as Entered Apprentices. We have started preparations to pass Bro. Minagro to the degree of Fellow Craft on April 25 and are planning third degrees for Brothers Minagro and Groesch on Saturday May 20th and Tuesday May 23rd respectively.
On March 28th the Grand Lodge of California will be performing a cornerstone ceremony at the Alamo Fire Department’s new building. We were asked to provide mementos for the time capsule and have provided our 2017 lodge pin, Lodge Tee Shirt, Lodge Brochure, March Trestle Board and a brochure of our trip to the UK.
At 2 pm on April 2nd, at the request of the family, we are holding a memorial service for our departed brother Jack Chudley. Please RSVP to me (email address at the back of every trestle board) if you plan to attend, or click here to register. It is advised you be there by 1:30 as parking might be limited. The officers will be opening lodge in the first degree at 1:00. Join us in this celebration of life and listen to our operatic star, John Minagro, sing the Nunc Dimittis accompanied by Wor. Bill Stanley on the organ. Light refreshments and libations (courtesy of Anna and Phil Henry, Jack’s daughter and son-in-law).
We are pleased to say that we now have a new wireless sound system which we were able to try for the first time at our last Stated Meeting. By all accounts this is a great improvement to the experience of being in lodge. We thank Wor. Marion Rogers, and all the brothers who donated, for making this possible.
Finally, you are not too late to join our trip to the UK, nor is it too early to start planning to attend our visitation to Mendocino Lodge for our Past Masters’ degree on August 19. Please contact me for further information about either of these special events.