In Memoriam


In Memory of Those We Have Recently Lost

Soft and safe to thee, my Brother, be thy resting place!  Bright and glorious be thy rising from it!  Fragrant be the acacia sprig that there shall flourish! May the earliest buds of spring unfold their beauties o’er thy resting place, and there may the sweetness of the summer’s last rose linger longest!

Though the winds of Autumn may destroy the loveliness of their existence, yet the destruction is not final, and in the springtime, they shall surely bloom again.  So, in the bright morning of the resurrection, thy spirit shall spring into newness of life and expand in immortal beauty, in realms beyond the skies.

Until then, dear Brother, until then, farewell!

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Br. Roy E. Beitelschees, PM

August 25, 1922 – November 26, 2014

Raised:  May 17, 1952

Master, Acalanes Fellowship Lodge in 2011
Hiram Award received on October 21, 2000
50-Year Membership Award received on June 4, 2002

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Br. Roger L. Poynts, PM

August 17, 1950 – October 26, 2014

Initiated:  January 23, 2001
Passed:  March 13, 2001
Raised:  May 15, 2001

Master, Acalanes Fellowship Lodge in 2011

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Br. Thomas J. Whitten, PM

April 2, 1931 – June 6, 2014

Initiated:  May 23, 1952
Passed:  August 13, 1952
Raised:  September 17, 1952

Affiliated:  Acalanes Fellowship Lodge #480 on September 3, 1968
Affiliated:  Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge #188 on May 23, 1952

Master, Oakland Rockridge Durant Lodge #188 in 1966
50-Year Membership Award received on December 7, 2002

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Br. George S. Blodgett

July 14, 1934 – May 27, 2014

Initiated:  May 24, 1983
Passed:  January 24, 1984
Raised:  June 19, 1984

Affiliated:  Acalanes Fellowship Lodge #480 on May 24, 1983

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Br. George L. Snell

September 17, 1923 – May 15, 2014

Initiated:  January 16, 1962
Passed:  May 22, 1962
Raised:  October 30, 1962

Affiliated:  Acalanes Fellowship Lodge #480 on January 16, 1962

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Br. Michael D. Brown, PM

April 15, 1942 – April 4, 2014

Initiated:  March 20, 1984
Passed:  February 27, 1990
Raised:  May 19, 1990

Affiliated:  Acalanes Fellowship Lodge #480 on March 20, 1984
Affiliated:  Orinda Lodge #122 on August 7, 1997

Master, Acalanes Fellowship Lodge #480 in 1996

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Theme: Overlay by Kaira